Smoke and Air Quality

submitted to FJ Aug 23, 2018

Published in The Filipino Journal, Number 21, November 05 – 20, 2018

Magandang araw, mga kaibigan!  Or is it?  This issue I wanted to continue the theme of weather and its effects on our health.  Let’s focus on another big issue we are seeing—and breathing--this summer: smoke.  It’s pretty tough to enjoy the outdoors when there is a haze and smoky smell all around us.  What’s going on?
Again, this is Climate Change--a long-term shift in weather conditions marked by changes in temperature, precipitation, winds, and other indicators. The changes we are seeing include:
  • warming at the Earth’s surface
  • warming oceans that are becoming acidic more rapidly as they absorb ~1/3 of the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) being emitted into the atmosphere
  • melting polar ice and glaciers
  • rising sea levels
  • more extreme weather events (more frequent and longer-lasting heat waves, more intense, heavy rainfall events, etc)
Wildfires are very common with Climate Change—they are due to the drying of the forest floor with elevated heat and drought.  Canada has recorded 5,955 (15% fires so far this year, which bove the 10-year average) have burned 1,183,358 hectares.  Smoke from fires in western Canada is affecting air quality between British Columbia and western Manitoba, prompting advisories by Environment Canada. The most critical area is dry southern British Columbia and southwestern Alberta
As of August 15, there were 450 fires burning in BC, of which 195 were out of control. The province has declared a state of emergency. Smoke from fires in BC and Washington state has reduced air quality and visibility in most of BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan. Manitoba has had 427 wildland fires so far this year which burnt 180,000 hectares.
How our health is affected depends on such factors as the length of time we are exposed, how much air we breathe in, our health status and the concentration of smoke in the air.

Smoke is made up of a number of components. The unhealthiest material in wildland fire smoke is the small particles (particulate matter--a general term for a mixture of solid and liquid droplets suspended in the air).  Particles that are 10 micrometers in diameter or smaller pose the greatest problems.  Larger particles (>10 um) usually do not enter the lungs, although they can still irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.  The smaller particles enter the lungs, making it harder to breathe or triggering cough.  They can affect the lungs and heart, where they can cause serious health effects or make existing heart and lung conditions worse.  If the smoke lasts days to weeks or is very heavy, it can cause lung problems and a longer-lasting cough.
Both short term and long term particle pollution exposures have been linked with health problems.  Scientific evidence shows that exposure to fine particles is likely to cause breathing effects, including asthma attacks resulting in hospital admissions and ER department visits, reduced lung development in children, and increased respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.  The evidence also shows a link to cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) effects, including heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes, which results in hospital admissions, emergency department visits, and in some cases premature death.  There is more limited evidence for a broader range of health effects associated with fine particle exposure—for eg developmental and reproductive effects, cancer.  Outdoor air pollution, including particle pollution, causes cancer in humans.
Who is at risk:  sensitive groups include:  people with heart or lung disease, children, the elderly, people with diabetes, and people of lower SES., pregnant women and the developing fetus. Young children, the elderly, and people with heart or lung conditions, like asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and congestive heart failure are more sensitive to the adverse effects of exposure to smoke. People participating in sports or strenuous work outdoors may also be more susceptible, because they are breathing air deeply and rapidly. Risks increase when smoke becomes heavier and as the length of time a person is exposed increases.

What can you do?
  • Limit outdoor activities, especially if it makes you tired or short of breath.
  • Stay inside and keep windows and doors closed. If you have an air conditioner set it to “re-circulate” and keep it running to help filter the air and keep you cool. If you do not have air conditioning, if possible, try spending some time in an air conditioned place (such as a mall or library) to cool off.
  • Keep a close watch on at risk individuals, particularly those that live alone. Young children, elderly people and individuals with chronic conditions may be more sensitive to heat or smoke.
  • If you are in your car or truck, keep the windows closed and put the air system on “re-circulate.”
  • Limit any strenuous indoor activities if you have been exposed to smoke.
  • Avoid cigarette smoke.
  • If you have room air cleaners with HEPA filters turn them on.
  • Don’t burn anything, including wood stoves, gas stoves and even candles.
  • Check local weather forecasts and the Manitoba Sustainable Development - Fire Program website for information on fire conditions in your area.
  • If you live in the Brandon or Winnipeg area, check the local Air Quality Health Index, for updates on air quality conditions.
    The AQHI is an indicator of air quality that factors in the concentrations of 3 major components of air pollution:  nitrogen dioxide (related to traffic, comes out of vehicle tailpipes, increases with rush hour), ozone (formed by a complex chemical reaction in the air from 2 other pollutants and requires sunlight and heat to form), and PM 2.5 (fine particulate matter <2.5 um diameter).  The resulting ratings range from 1 to 10+ and are grouped into risk categories (low, moderate, high, very high) designed to help you easily and quickly identify your level of risk.
    Each risk category has specific health advice for those at risk (children, seniors, people with heart or lung conditions and diabetics) and the general population.
Air Quality Health Index
Health Messages
At Risk Population
General Population
1 - 3
Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.
Ideal air quality for outdoor activities.
4 - 6
Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous activities outdoors if you are experiencing symptoms.
No need to modify your usual outdoor activities unless you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation.
7 - 10
Reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors. Children and the elderly should also take it easy.
Consider reducing or rescheduling strenuous activities outdoors if you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation.
Very High
Avoid strenuous activities outdoors. Children and the elderly should also avoid outdoor physical exertion.
Reduce or reschedule strenuous activities outdoors, especially if you experience symptoms such as coughing and throat irritation.

People with heart or lung conditions, including asthma, can also do the following:
  • Be especially careful about monitoring your condition. Take all of the medication you are supposed to take and do everything your health care provider has recommended for your condition. Make sure you have a week’s supply of medication available.
  • Have a written asthma management plan if you or a family member has asthma.
  • Talk to your primary health care provider if you have any concerns about your health.
  • Know your AQHI number—what level you react to poor air quality and reduce or reschedule strenuous outdoor activities.
  • Be aware of traffic and exercise away from traffic.
    When should I start taking precautions? 
    People at higher risk should consider taking precautions when smoke conditions are light to moderate. This is usually indicated by a smoke odour and haziness or visibility that is less than eight km.  People who are considered healthy should consider taking precautions when smoke conditions are heavy, ie. when visibility is less than about four kilometres.
    When should I seek medical care?
    Listen to your body’s cues, especially if you have a condition that puts you at higher risk. 
    If you or someone you know experiences any of the following symptoms, go see a doctor ASAP:
  • A cough that is persistent or worsening;
  • Shortness of breath, beyond what is usually experienced;
  • Chest pain or tightness; or
  • Significant weakness or fatigue.
Actions you can take to help spare the air:
Travel tips: 

  • Leave your car at home; walk, cycle, carpool or take public transit.
  • Teleconference instead of driving to meetings
  • Limit car trips by doing all your errands at once
  • Driving:  no engine idling
  • Keep vehicle well tuned; check tire pressure and drive at moderate speeds
Electricity saving tips:
  • Set your AC temp a few degrees higher (health permitting)
  • Turn of flights you aren’t using
    Other pollution reduction tips
  • Leave lawn mowing for another day
  • Restrict the use of gas-powered equipment
  • Delay using oil-based paints, solvents, & cleaners
Kung may tinanim, may aanihin; health starts at home. Alagaan ninyo ang katawan at kalusugan ninyo! Take care, and mind your health!


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