Needlestick Exposures
submitted to FJ March 5, 2019 Recently, I was asked about the risks of used needles found in the community so thought I’d talk about this in today’s column. Whether you’ve come across used needles or not, they are present in Manitoba, and their occurrence has increased related to the increases in crystal meth and opioid injection drug use. Generally used needles people come across in our community come from injection drug use outdoors, possibly related to unstable housing among those who use drugs. While the perceived risk of finding a used needle is quite high, the actual health risk to the general public (including kids) of finding one is actually pretty low. The main theoretical risks from finding/getting poked by used needles are the blood-borne infections: hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. There have certainly been increases in these infections in Manitoba related to shared injection drug use equipment. There are also increase...